Foivos G. Karakostas
PhD Geophysicist - Seismology and Planetary Science
UCL Earth Sciences
You may find here my full resume (Curriculum Vitae) or download the pdf version at this link.
Download a short 1-page summary here.
Academic and Research Positions
September 2023 – now: Research Fellow in Seismology, University College London, Earth Sciences, London, United Kingdom
April 2021 – August 2023: Postdoctoral Researcher, Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Bologna, Italy
March 2019 – March 2021: Post-Doctoral Associate, Department of Geology, University of Maryland, College Park, MD, USA
Ph.D. in Geophysics / Planetary Sciences, Université Paris Diderot – Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, France, September 2018.
“Analysis and modeling of meteor impact and airburst generated seismic waves on terrestrial planets with atmosphere.” Supervisors: Philippe Lognonné, Carene Larmat
M.Sc. Earth, Environmental and Planetary Sciences – Specialty: Geophysics, Université Paris Diderot – Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, France, July 2014.
“Comparative shock waves analysis between Earth and Lunar meteor impacts.” Supervisors: Philippe Lognonné, Katarina Miljković
“Study of the efficiency of a wind and thermal shield (WTS) for a Martian seismometer.” Supervisor: Philippe Lognonné
B.S. Geology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, July 2010.
“Seismic and tectonic characteristics of the Gulf of Corinth” Supervisor: Emmanuel Scordilis.
Research Experience
Forward modeling of seismic waves using normal mode summation and spectral element method.
Hybrid seismic modeling in global and regional scale for box tomography.
Seismology focused on extraterrestrial worlds. Comparative analysis on Earth, Mars, Moon.
Study of seismic wave excitation in solid planets by meteor impacts.
Inversion of meteors as seismic sources. Study of the finite source generated by the Chelyabinsk bolide. Investigation of shock wave generation and propagation. Nonlinear modeling.
Planetary crust exploration through investigation of the seismic attenuation.
Laboratory measurements of elastic properties of soils.
Science Missions and Projects Participation
NEWTON (NEw Window inTO Earth’s iNterior) — Dipartimento di Geoscienze, Università di Padova, and project partner INGV – Bologna (Italy).
InSight (Interior Exploration using Seismic Investigations, Geodesy and Heat Transport) — NASA, CNES, DLR
LGWA (Lunar Gravitational Wave Antenna) — — INAF, Univ. Twente, Univ. Padova, IFCA, UC Louvain, INFN, Politecnico Milano, Columbia Univ, Univ. Copenhagen, INGV, Univ. Bologna, Univ. Minnesota, Univ. Genève et al.
July 2012 – June 2013: Characterization of the properties of Martian Simulant Soild (CERMES, ENPS, Champs-sur-Marne, France) for InSight Mission (NASA, JPL, IPGP, DLR)
July 2008: Seismological data analysis of the earthquake of NW Peloponnesus of June 8th, 2008 (EPPO – Earthquake Planning and Protection Organization, Athens, Greece)
Science Leadership and Interpersonal Skills
Former co-chair of the Impacts Science Team Group of the NASA InSight mission
Seismic data processing software (ObsPy), Generic Mapping Tools (pyGMT), GUI development
Programming languages: Matlab, Python, Fortran, Shell
Conference organization:
Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris PhD Congress, 2015
Science Communicator and Advocate
Producer of the podcast “Scientia Publica“
Coordinator of the podcast “Stairway to Space“
Networking skills:
Member of the EGU Seismology Division Early Career Representatives
Co-chair of the Early Career Support Working Group of the Europlanet Early Career network
Member of the Communications Working Group of the Europlanet Early Career network – coordinating “Stairway to Space” podcast and website
Organizer of Early Career Network events for the Science Team of the InSight mission
Installation of seismographic networks
Participation in topographic measurements
Administrative Experience
Student deputy at the Doctoral School of Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, (2015-2017)
Student deputy at the Senate of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, (2007-2009)
Student deputy at the Administrative Council of the Department of Geology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, (2006-2009)
Student deputy at the General Assembly of the Department of Geology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, (2006-2009)
Secretary of the Department of Geology Students’ Union, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, (2006-2007)
Social Activity
Visits and cooperation
Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM, USA
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA, USA
Black Forest Observatory, Schiltach, Germany
École National des Ponts et Chaussées, Champs-sur-Marne, France
Teaching experience
Practice for “Field Geophysics”, B.S. degree in “Geology (Geophysics Track)”, Department of Geology, University of Maryland, College Park, MD (2019)
Practice for “Comparative Planetology”, MSc of “Earth Sciences, Environment and Planets”, Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, Université Paris Diderot (2017)
Practice for “Oscillations of Planets and Stars”, MSc of “Earth Sciences, Environment and Planets”, Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, Université Paris Diderot (2017)
Exercises for “Physics for Geosciences: Atmosphere, Ocean, Climate”, B.S. of “Earth Sciences, Environment and Planets”, Université Paris Diderot (2017)
Greek – Native
English – Professional Proficiency
French – Professional Proficiency
Italian – Competent
Spanish – Elementary level
Peer reviewed journals
Confal, J., Baccheschi, P., Pondrelli, S., Karakostas, F., VanderBeek, B., Huang, Z., Faccenda, M., 2023. “Reproducing complex anisotropy patterns at subduction zones from splitting intensity analysis
and anisotropy tomography.” Geophysical Journal International, 2023, ggad329,
Maguire, R., Lekic, V., Kim, D., Schmerr, N.C., Li, J., Beghein, C., Huang, Q., Irving, J., Karakostas, F., Lognonné, P., Stähler, S.C., Banerdt, W.B., 2023. “Moment Tensor Estimation of Event S1222a and Implications for Tectonics Near the Dichotomy Boundary in Southern Elysium Planitia, Mars” Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 128, e2023JE007793.
Huang, Q., Schmerr, N.C., King, S.D., Kim, D., Rivoldini, A., Plesa, A.C., Samuel, H., Maguire, R.R., Karakostas, F., Lekić, V., Charalambous, C., Collinet, M., Myhill, R., Antonangeli, D., Drilleau, M., Bystricky, M., Bollinger, C., Michaut, C., Gudkova, T., Irving, J.C.E., Fernando, B., Leng, K., Nissen-Meyer, T., Bejina, F., Bozdag, E., Beghei, C., Waszek, L., Siersch, N.C., Scholz, J-R., Davis, P.M., Lognonné, P., Pinot, B., Widmer-Schnidrig, R., Panning, M.P., Smrekar, S.E., Spohn, T., Pike, W.T., Giardini, D., and Banerdt, B., 2022. “Seismic detection of a deep mantle discontinuity within Mars by InSight.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(42), p.e2204474119.
Delage, P., Castillo Betancourt, J-P., Caicedo Hormaza, B., Karakostas, F., De Laure, E., Lognonné, P., Antonangeli, D., Banerdt, B. (2022). “The interaction between the SEIS seismometer of the InSight Martian mission and a regolith simulant”. Geotechnique, 0 0:0, 1-12, doi:10.1680/jgeot.21.00171
Menina, S., Margerin, L., Kawamura, T., Lognonné, P., Marti, J., Drilleau, M., Calvet, M., Compaire, N., Garcia, R., Karakostas, F., Schmerr, N., van Driel, M., Stähler, S.C., Plasman, M., Giardini, D., Carrasco, S., Knapmeyer-Edrun, B., Sainton, G., Banerdt, W.B. (2021). “Energy Envelope and Attenuation Characteristics of High-Frequency (HF) and Very-High-Frequency (VF) Martian Events”. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 111, 6, 3016-3034, doi:10.1785/0120210127
Karakostas, F., Schmerr, N., Maguire, R., Huang, Q., Kim, D., Lekic, V., Margerin, L., Nunn, C., Menina, S., Kawamura, T., Lognonné, P., Giardini, D., Banerdt, B. (2021). “Scattering Attenuation of the Martian Interior through Coda-Wave Analysis”. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 111, 6, 3035-3054, doi:10.1785/0120210253
Kim, D., Lekic, V., Irving, J.C.E., Schmerr, N., Knapmeyer-Edrun, B., Joshi, R., Panning, M.P., Tauzin, B., Karakostas, F., Maguire, R., Huang, Q., Ceylan, S., Khan, A., Giardini, D., Wieczorek, M.A., Lognonné, P., Banerdt, W.B. (2021). “Improving constraints on planetary interiors with PSS receiver functions”. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 126, 11, e2021JE006983, doi:10.1029/2021JE006983
Khan, A., Ceylan, S., van Driel, M., Giardini, D., Lognonné, P., Samuel, H., Schmerr, N.C., Stähler, S.C., Duran, A.C., Huang, Q., Kim, D., Broquet, A., Charalambous, C., Clinton, J.F., Davis, P.M., Drilleau, M., Karakostas, F., Lekic, V., McLennan, S.M., Maguire, R.R., Michaut, C., Panning, M.P., Pike, W.T., Pinot, B., Plasman, M., Scholz, J-R., Widmer-Schnidrig, R., Spohn, T., Smrekar, S.E., Banerdt, W. B. (2021). “Upper mantle structure of Mars from InSight seismic data.” Science, 373, 6553, 434-438, doi:10.1126/science.abf2966
Fernando, B., Wójcicka, N., Froment, M., Maguire, R., Stähler, S. C., Rolland, L., Collins, G., Karatekin, O., Larmat, C., Sansom, E., Teanby, N., Spiga, A., Karakostas, F., Leng, K., Nissen-Meyer, T., Kawamura, T., Giardini, D., Lognonné, P., Banerdt, B., Daubar, I. (2021). “Listening for the landing: Seismic detections of Perseverance’s arrival at Mars with InSight.” Earth and Space Science, 8, e2020EA001585.
Daubar, I. J., Lognonné, P., Teanby, N. A., Collins, G. S., Clinton, J., Stähler, S., Spiga, A., Karakostas, F., Ceylan, S., Malin, M., McEwen, A. S., Maguire, R., Charalambous, C., Onodera, K., Lucas, A., Rolland, L., Vaubaillon, J., Kawamura, T., Böse, M., Horleston, A., van Driel, M., Stevanović, J., Miljković, K., Fernando, B., Huang, Q., Giardini, D., Larmat, C. S., Leng, K., Rajšić, A., Schmerr, N., Wójcicka, N., Pike, T., Wookey, J., Rodriguez, S., Garcia, R., Banks, M. E., Margerin, L., Posiolova, L., Banerdt, B. (2020) “A New Crater Near InSight: Implications for Seismic Impact Detectability on Mars”. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 125, doi: 10.1029/2020JE006382
Giardini, D., Lognonné, P., Banerdt, W. B., Pike, W. T., Christensen, U., Ceylan, S., Clinton, J. F., van Driel, M., Stähler, S. C., Böse, M., Garcia, R. F., Khan, A., Panning, M., Perrin, C., Banfield, D., Beucler, E., Charalambous, C., Euchner, F., Horleston, A., Jacob, A., Kawamura, T., Kedar, S., Mainsant, G., Scholz, J.- R., Smrekar, S. E., Spiga, A., Agard, C., Antonangeli, D., Barkaoui, S., Barrett, E., Combes, P., Conejero, V., Daubar, I., Drilleau, M., Ferrier, C., Gabsi, T., Gudkova, T., Hurst, K., Karakostas, F., King, S., Knapmeyer, M., Knapmeyer-Endrun, B., Llorca-Cejudo, R., Lucas, A., Luno, L., Margerin, L., McClean, J. B., Mimoun, D., Murdoch, N., Nimmo, F., Nonon, M., Pardo, C., Rivoldini, A., Rodriguez Manfredi, J. A., Samuel, H., Schimmel, M., Stott, A. E., Stutzmann, E., Teanby, N., Warren, T., Weber, R. C., Wieczorek, M., Yana, C. (2020). “The Seismicity of Mars”. Nat. Geosci., doi:10.1038/s41561-020-0539-8
Daubar, I., Lognonné, P., Teanby, N.A., Miljković, K., Stevanović, J., Vaubaillon, J., Kenda, B., Kawamura, T., Clinton, J., Lucas, A., Drilleau, M., Yana, C., Collins, G.S., Banfield, D., Golombek, M., Kedar, S., Schmerr, N., Garcia, R., Rodroguez, S., Gudkova, T., May, S., Banks, M., Maki, J., Sansom, E., Karakostas, F., Panning, M., Fuji, N., Wookey, J., van Driel, M., Lemmon, M., Ansan, V., Böse, M., Stähler, S., Kanamori, H., Richardson, J., Smrekar, S., Banerdt, W.B (2018), “Impact-Seismic Investigations of the InSight Mission”. Space Sci. Rev., 214:132, doi: 10.1007/s11214-018-0562-x
Karakostas, F., Rakoto, V., Lognonné, P., Larmat, C., Daubar, I., Miljković, K., (2018). “Inversion of meteor Rayleigh waves on Earth and modeling of air coupled Rayleigh waves on Mars”. Space Sci. Rev.,214:127, doi: 10.1007/s11214-018-0566-6
Fayon. L., Knapmeyer-Endrun, B., Lognonné, P., Bierwirth, M., Kramer, A., Delage, P., Karakostas, F., Kedar, S., Murdoch, N., Garcia, R., Verdier, N., Tillier, S., Pike, W.T., Hurst, K., Schmelzbach, C., Banerdt, W.B (2018). “A numerical model of the SEIS leveling system transfer matrix and resonances: application to SEIS rotational seismology and dynamic ground interaction”. Space Sci. Rev., 214:127, doi:10.1007/s11214-018-0555-9
Delage, P., Karakostas, F., Dhemaied, A., Belmokhtar, M., Lognonné, P., Golombek, M., De Laure, E., Hurst, K., Dupla, J-C., Keddar, S., Cui, Y-J., Banerdt, B. (2017). “An Investigation of the Mechanical Properties of Some Martian Regolith Simulants with Respect to the Surface Properties at the InSight Mission Landing Site”, Space Sci. Rev., pp 1-23, doi: 10.1007/s11214-017-0339-7
Lognonné, P., Karakostas, F., Rolland, L., Nishikawa, Y.(2016).“Modeling of atmospheric-coupled Rayleigh waves on planets with atmosphere: From Earth observation to Mars and Venus perspectives”, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 140 (2), pp 1447-1468, doi: 10.1121/1.4960788
Conference proceedings
Karakostas, F., Morelli, A., Molinari, I., VenderBeek, B., Faccenda, M. (2022) “A hybrid computational framework for 3D anisotropic full-waveform inversion at a regional scale” EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU22-6498
Lognonné, P., Banerdt, W.B., Giardini, D., Panning, M., Pike, W.T., Barkaoui, S., Böse, M., Brinkman, N., Charalambous, C., Compaire, N., Dahmen, N., Drilleau, M., Fernando, B., Garcia, R., Hobiger, M., Huang, Q., Hurst, K., Jacob, A., Karakostas, F., Kawamura, T., Kedar, S., Khan, A., Kim, D., Knapmeyer-Edrun, B., Knapmeyer, M., Li, J., Menina, S., Murdoch, N., Onodera, K., Perrin, C., Pou, L., Rajšic ́, A., Samuel, H., Savoie, D., Schimmer, M., Sollberger, D., Stähler, S., Stott, A., Szilar, G., van Driel, M., Wojcicka, N., Zweifel, P., Beghein, C., Beucler, E., Antonangeli, D., Banfield, D., Bowles, N., Bozdag, E., Christensen, U., Clinton, J., Collins, G., Daubar, I., Irving, J., Lorenz, R., Margerin, L., Michaut, C., Mimoun, D., Nimmo, F., Plesa, A-C., Schmerr, N., Smrekar, S., Spiga, A., Teanby, N., Tromp, J., Weber, R., Wieczorek, M., Agard, C., Barret, E., Berenguer, J.L., Ceylan, S., Conajero, V., Duran, C., Dahmen, N., Froment, M., Horleston, A., Perrier, C., Fuji, N., Gabsi, T., Gaudin, E., Jaillant, B., Julien, A., Meunier, F., Pardo, C., ten Pierick, J., Plasman, M., Rochas, L., Sainton, G., Stutzmann, E., Xu, Z., Yana, C., Zenhäusern, G., SEIS InSight (2022) “SEIS Achievement for Mars Seismology After 1000 Sols of Seismic Monitoring” LPI Contributions, 2678, 2279
Huang, Q., Schmerr, N.C., King, S.D., Rivoldini, A., Plesa, A-C., Samuel, H., Kim, D., Maguire, R., Karakostas, F., Lekic, V., Collinet, M., Myhill, R., Antonangeli, D., Drilleau, M., Bystricky, M., Bollinger, C., Michaut, C., Gudkova, T., Irving, J.C.E., Fernando, B., Leng, K., Nissen- Meyer, T., Bejina, F., Bozdag, E., Beghein, C., Waszek, L., Siersch, N.C., Scholz, J-R., Davis, P.M., Lognonné, P., Pinot, B., Widmer-Schnidrig, R., Panning, M.P., Smrekar, S.E., Spohn, T., Giardini, D., Banerdt, W.B. (2022) “Constraints on the Depth of Martian Mantile Transition Zone from Triplicated Waveforms” LPI Contributions, 2678, 1673
Menina, S., Margerin, L., Kawamura, T., Lognonné, P., Marti, J., Drilleau, M., Calvet, M., Compaire, N., Garcia, R., Karakostas, F., Schmerr, N., van Driel, M., Stähler, S.C., Plasman, M., Giardini, D., Carrasco, S., Knapmeyer-Edrun, B., Sainton, G., Banerdt, B. (2022) “Earth- Moon-Mars Coda Attenuation Comparison”. LPI Contributions, 2678, 1564
Karakostas, F., Schmerr, N., Maguire, R., Huang, Q., Kim, D., Lekic, V., Margerin, L., Nunn, C., Menina, S., Kawamura, T., Lognonné, P., Giardini, D., Banerdt, B. (2021) “An analysis of the seismic scattering on Mars, using the InSight seismic data” Europlanet Science Congress 2021, EPSC2021-258
Menina, S., Margerin, L., Kawamura, T., Lognonné, P., Marti, J., Drilleau, M., Calvet, M., Schmerr, N., van Driel, M., Karakostas, F. (2021) “Energetic characteristics of High Frequency (HF) and Very High Frequency (VF) Martian Events”. EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU21-14609
Menina, S., Margerin, L., Kawamura, T., Lognonné, P., Marti, J., Drilleau, M., Calvet, M., Schmerr, N., van Driel, M., Karakostas, F. (2021) “Statistical and energetic characteristics of high frequency (HF) and very high frequency (VF) Martian events”. 52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 1657
Froment, M., Lognonné, P., Larmat, C., Rougier, E., Lei, Z., Kawamura, T. and Karakostas, F. (2021) “Numerical simulation of an impact-generated stress glut field and corresponding seismic source”. 52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 1847
Khan, A. , Ceylan, S., van Driel, M., Giardini, D. , Lognonne, P., Samuel, H., Schmerr, N., Stähler, S., Duran, A. C., Huang, Q., Kim, D., Charalambous, C., Clinton, J. F., Davis, P. M., Drilleau, M., Karakostas, F., Lekic, V., Maguire, R. R., Michaut, C., Panning, M. P., Pike, W. T., Pinot, B., Plasman, M., Scholz, J.-R., Widmer-Schnydrig, R., Spohn, T., Smrekar, S. E., Banerdt, W. B. (2021) “Constraints on the Martian upper mantle structure from InSight seismic data”. 52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 1836
Lognonné, P., Banerdt, W.B., Giardini, D., Panning M.P., Pike, W.T., Antonangeli, D., Ballestra, J., Banfield, D., Beghein, C., Beucler, E., Bowles, N., Bozdag, E., Ceylan, S., Charalambous, C., Christensen, U., Clinton, J., Compaire, N., Collins, G., Dahmen, N., Daubar, I., van Driel, M., Drielleau, M., Fernando, B., Froment, M., Garcia, R., Irving, J., Khan, A., Kawamura, T., Kedar, S., Kenda, B., Knapmeyer-Endrun, B.,, Lorenz, R., Margerin, L., Martire, L., Michaut, C., Mimoun, D., Murdoch, N., Nimmo, F., Perrin, C., Plesa, A.-C., Schmerr, N., Scholz, J.R., Smrekar, S., Sollberger, S., Spiga, A., Stähler, S., Stutzmann E., Teanby, N., Tromp, J., Weber, R., Wieczorek, M., Wójcicka, N., Xu, H.,, Agard, C., Barrett, E., Berenguer, J.L., Böse, M., Conejero, V., Horleston, A., Hurst, K., Ferrier, C., Fuji, N., Gabsi, T., Gaudin, E., Jaillant, B. Jullien, A., Karakostas, F., Labrot, P., Meunier, F., Pardo, C., ten Pierick, J., Plasman, M., Rochas, L., Sauron, A., Sainton, G., Xu, Z., Yana, C. and the InSight/SEIS Science Team (2021). “One Martian year of seismic monitoring of Mars by InSight: SEIS results and perspectives for the extended mission”, 52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 1936
Karakostas, F., Schmerr, N., Bailey, S. H., Dellagiustina, D., Habib, N., Bray, V., Pettit, E., Dahl, P., Quinn, T., Marusiak, A., Avenson, B., Wagner, N., and Brodbeck, J.: “The Qaanaaq airburst as an analog of seismic source in extraterrestrial atmospheres: seismic and infrasound investigation”, Europlanet Science Congress 2020, online, 21 September–9 Oct 2020, EPSC2020-480, 2020
Karakostas, F., Schmerr, N., Bailey, S. H., DellaGiustina, D., Habib, N., Bray, V., Pettit, E., Dahl, P., Quinn, T., Marusiak, A. G., Avenson, B., Wagner, N., Brodbeck, J. I. (2020). “Seismic Investigation of a Meteoroid Airburst in Greenland, as a Terrestrial Analog for Icy Regions with an Atmosphere in the Solar System”. 51st Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 2120
Karakostas, F., Lognonné, P., Larmat, C., Schmerr, N. (2019). “A Martian impact full rayleigh waveform inversion technique for 1D identification of crustal structure”, 50th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 1530.
Schmerr, N.C., Kawamura, T., Margerin, L., vanDriel, M., Garcia, R., Karakostas, F., Tauzin, B., Lognonné, P. (2019). “Measuring the scattering and attenuation of seismic waves in Mars with the InSight seismometers”, 50th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 1644.
Miljković, K., Collins, G.S., Rajšić, A., Wojcicka, N., Neidhart, T., Karakostas, F., Teanby, N.A., Daubar, I.J., Lognonné, P., Wieczorek, M.A., and the InSight team (2019). “Numerical investigation of impact-induced seismic signal in Martian crust”, 50th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 1503.
Wójcicka, N., Collins, G.S., Bastow, I., Miljković, K, Teanby, N.A., Karakostas, F., Lognonné, P., and the InSight team (2019). “Investigating the relationship between the seismic efficiency and seismic moment and impactor properties on Mars”, 50th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 2633.
Daubar, I. J., Lognonné, P., Teanby, N. A., Miljković, K. Kawamura, T., Stevanovic ́, J., Vaubaillon, J., Clinton, J., Golombek, M. P., Banfield, D., Lucas, A., Drilleau, M., van Driel, M., Collins, G. S., Gudkova, T., Rodriguez, S., Fuji, N., Kedar, S., Yana, C., Maki, J., Banks, M., Panning, M., Garcia, R. F., Sansom, E., May, S., Wookey, J., Schmerr, N., Lemmon, M., Kenda, B., Böse, M., Ansan, V., Kanamori, H., Karakostas, F., Banerdt, W. B., Smrekar, S. (2018). “Impact-Seismic Investigations Planned for the InSight Mission”. 49th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 1743
Miljković, K., Sansom, E.K., Daubar, I.J., Karakostas, F., Lognonné, P. (2016). “Fate of meteoroid impacts on Mars detectable by the InSight mission”. 47th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 1768
Daubar, I.J., Golombek, M.P., McEwen A.S., Byrne, S., Kreslevsky, M., Schmerr, N.C., Banks, M.E., Lognonné, P., Kawamura, T., Karakostas, F. (2015). “Measurement of the current martian cratering size frequency distribution, predictions for and expected improvements from InSight”. 46th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 2468.
In preparation
Karakostas, F., Morelli, A., Molinari, I., VanderBeek, B.P., Faccenda, M. “3-D Anisotropic Model of the Ionian Subduction through Full-Waveform Box Tomography”.
Karakostas, F., Schmerr, N., Bailey, S., DellaGiustina, D., Habib, N., Bray, V., Pettit, E., Dahl, P., Quinn, T., Marusiak, A.G., Avenson, B., Wagner, N., Brodbeck, J.I., “Ice shelf structure inversion through investigation of seismic and infrasound waves generated by a meteoroid airburst, on July 25, 2018”.
Conferences and other communication
November 16, 2022 – Uppsala University Geophysics Seminar, Uppsala, Sweden — “Seismology from atmosphere to the interior and from Earth to Mars”
May 25, 2022 – EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria — “A hybrid computational framework for 3D anisotropic full-waveform inversion at a regional scale”
May 5, 2022 – Liceo Ginnasio Luigi Galvani, Bologna, Italy — “Extraterrestrial geophysics: an adventure of humans and robots”
September 24, 2021 – Europlanet Science Congress — “An analysis of the seismic scattering on Mars, using the InSight seismic data”
May 21, 2021 – INGV Bologna seminar series — “Seismology on Mars with InSight, focus on the scattering attenuation”
March 9, 2021 – InSight science team meeting, virtual — “S-coda wave analysis of InSight seismic data to determine the scattering attenuation in the crust of Mars”
January 28, 2021 – University College Dublin, School of Earth Sciences — “Seismology with InSight on Mars: focus on the seismic attenuation in the Lithosphere.”
October 2, 2020 — Europlanet Science Congress — “The Qaanaaq airburst as an analog of seismic source in extraterrestrial atmospheres: seismic and infrasound investigation.”
July 22, 2020 – InSight science team meeting, virtual — “S-coda waves analysis of the InSight marsquakes, for the investigation of the seismic attenuation of Martian interior.”
April 1, 2020 -Carnegie Institution LPSC virtual session – “Seismic investigation of a meteoroid airburst in Greenland, as a terrestrial analog for icy regions with an atmosphere in the solar system” (YouTube link:
February 24, 2020 – InSight science team meeting, Nice France – “Seismic Attenuation of the Martian Interior from coda wave analysis.”
June 19, 2019 – InSight science team meeting, Paris, France – “Impact surface waves modeling for InSight operations.”
May 7, 2019 – UMD Geophysics Group Seminars – “Inversion and modeling of Rayleigh waves generated by meteoroid events on planets with atmosphere.”
November 5, 2018 – French InSight Day, Paris, France – “Inversion of impact Rayleigh waves on Earth and modeling of air-coupled Rayleigh waves on Mars.”
September 27, 2018 – InSight science team meeting, Graz, Austria – “Inversion of Rayleigh meteor waves on Earth and modeling on Mars.”
June 29, 2017 – IPGP/AIM joint seminars, Paris, France – “Modeling of atmospheric Rayleigh waves generated on Earth and Mars.”
April 4, 2017 – InSight science team meeting, Oxford, UK – “Modeling of Rayleigh waves generated by meteor impacts on Mars.”
March 17, 2017 – Institut de Physique du Globe PhD Congress, Paris, France – “Modeling of meteor impact airbursts on Earth and Mars: comparative analysis”
December 5, 2016 – InSight MSS-MQS meeting, Paris, France – “Atmospheric Events: Meteor Impacts”.
August 26, 2016 – National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Department of Geology invited talk, Athens, Greece – “Modeling of meteor impact airbursts on Earth and Mars: comparative analysis.” (in Greek)
July 26, 2016 – Los Alamos National Laboratory, Center for Space and Earth Science seminars, Los Alamos, NM, USA – “Modeling of meteor impact airbursts on Earth and Mars: comparative analysis.”
May 24, 2016 – InSight science team meeting, Toulouse, France – “Inversion of seismic sources of atmo- spheric impacts on Earth and modeling on Mars.”
May 3, 2016 – InSight MSS-MQS meeting, ETH, Zurich, Switzerland – “Inversion of seismic sources of atmo- spheric impacts on Earth and modeling on Mars.”
March 18, 2016 – Institut de Physique du Globe PhD Congress, Paris, France – “Inversion of the Chelyabinsk seismic surface waves and comparative constraints on the generation of seismic waves by atmospheric Im- pacts on Earth and Mars.”
February 11, 2016 – IPGP/AIM joint seminars, Paris, France – “Inversion of meteor impact sources and analysis of the surface and shock waves generated by them.”
December 3, 2015 – Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM, USA – “Inversion of meteor impact sources and analysis of the surface and shock waves generated by them.”
October 29, 2022 — SSA Meeting: Tomography, what comes next?, Toronto, Canada — “Implementation of spherical Earth for box-tomography in regional scale”
December 15, 2021 — AGU Fall Meeting (hybrid) — “Seismic scattering in the Martian lithosphere: an analytical approach using InSight data”
July 8, 2020 – NASA Science Exploration Forum (virtual meeting) – “Investigation of seismic and infrasound waves, generated by an airburst near Qaanaaq, Greenland”.
March 17, 2020 – Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, The Woodlands, TX, USA – “Seismic investigation of a meteoroid airburst in Greenland, as a terrestrial analog for icy regions with an atmosphere in the solar system.” (canceled, Poster published online)
February 25, 2020 – InSight science team meeting, Nice, France – “Seismic Attenuation of the Martian Interior from coda wave analysis.”
December 12, 2019 – AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA – “Constraints for the Martian meteoroid impact seismic signals through modeling based on comparison of Terrestrial, Lunar and Martian data.”
October 22, 2019 – InSight science team meeting, Los Angeles, CA, USA – “Update on Martian impacts modeling, after almost one year of Martian seismic data recordings.”
March 19, 2019 – Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, The Woodlands, TX, USA – “A Martian impact full rayleigh waveform inversion technique for 1D identification of crustal structure.”
December 14, 2018 – AGU Fall Meeting, Washington, DC, USA – “Inversion of meteor Rayleigh waves on Earth and modeling of air coupled Rayleigh waves on Mars.”
May 6, 2018 – InSight Science Team Meeting, Buellton, CA, USA – “Source inversion of Chelyabinsk and perspective for inversion of Mars airburst”
November 28, 2017 – French InSight Day, Paris, France – “Modeling of meteor impact airbursts on Earth and Mars: comparative analysis.”
December 13, 2016 – AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA – “Modeling of meteor impact airbursts on Earth and Mars: comparative analysis.”
September 13, 2016 – International School of Space Science, L’Aquila, Italy – “Modeling of meteor impact airbursts on Earth and Mars: comparative analysis.”
December 14, 2015 – AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA – “Inversion of the Chelyabinsk seismic surface waves and comparative constraints on the generation of seismic waves by atmospheric impacts on Earth and Mars.”
October 13, 2015 – French seismologic and geodetic network (RESIF) meeting. La Grande Motte, France – “Inversion of the Chelyabinsk seismic surface waves and comparative constraints on the generation of seismic waves by atmospheric impacts on Earth and Mars.”
October 6, 2015 – InSight science team meeting, Zurich, Switzerland – “Inversion of the Chelyabinsk seismic surface waves and comparative constraints on the generation of seismic waves by atmospheric impacts on Earth and Mars.”
June 1, 2015 – Seismic Experiment of Internal Structure (SEIS) meeting. Fez, Morocco – “Shock waves analysis and inversion of seismic sources generated by meteor impacts on telluric bodies.”
March 23, 2015 – Institut de Physique du Globe PhD Congress, Paris, France – “Shock waves analysis and inversion of seismic sources generated by meteor impacts on telluric bodies.”
November 20, 2014 – Structure and dynamics of Earth like planets, Workshop at College de France, Paris, France – “Comparative shock waves analysis between Earth and Lunar meteor impacts.”
October 26, 2014 – LabEx UnivEarths Fall School, Florence, Italy – “Comparative shock waves analysis between Earth and Lunar meteor impacts.”
Scientific associations membership
Member of the European Geosciences Union
Member of the American Geophysical Union
Member of the Seismological Society of America
Member of Society of Exploration Geophysicists
Member of EuroPlanet Society
Member of the Geotechnical Chamber of Greece
Member of Association of Greek Geologists
Other interests
Sports: Rugby union – amateur level championship in France and the USA. Association Football – amateur level championship in Greece, France and the USA.
Arts: Former member of the Municipal Band of Kalamaria, Thessaloniki. Experience as free-lancer musician.